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Vote for our sessions at the OGP Summit


Join us in putting transparency in the extractives on the OGP Summit’s agenda by voting for the three PWYP sessions below!

Oil, gas and mining injustices – stories from the underground

Civic space restrictions and activism on natural resource governance

Space for civil society is closing around the world. In resource-rich countries, activists work in an increasingly restrictive environment and are harassed for speaking out about natural resource governance. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) and CIVICUS will present the scope and variety of the shrinking civic space around the world and how it actively undermines efforts to achieve greater transparency and accountability in the management of natural resources.

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Can extractive companies hack it? Using extractives data to hold companies & governments to account

Using newly-released company data, we will demonstrate what can be done with extractives data, and how it can be used to hold companies and governments to account. By bringing together a number of civil society activists who are working with data, and with the participation of a company which has recently reported, we want to:
Show you best practices on how we have used extractives data
Use a real-life company report to form the basis of a “hackathon”
Ask that company what they can tell us about our findings

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Extractives data: how the world has changed, and what lies ahead

This session will to demonstrate how the flurry of extractives data we have seen in the last few years can empower people. Getting a full picture of company activities remains difficult due to a lack of comparable, openly available data; and an absence of certain data such as contracts. Through a multi-stakeholder panel, we intend to show how greater levels of transparency are advantageous to government, industry and citizens. We will show what can be done with the data we now have, and identify what more data is needed to make extractives industries more open.

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Widening Transparency: Disclosing Beneficial Ownership to Curb Illicit Financial Flows in the Extractive Industries

This session will stimulate debate on the role of beneficial ownership transparency in the fight against illicit financial flows in the extractive industries. It also aims to draw a better strategy for government and civil society to collaborate in the implementation of beneficial ownership transparency and also utilization of beneficial ownership information to detect and curb illicit financial flows in the extractive industries.

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Transparency and access to information in extractive sector: Towards better social and environmental information on gas, oil and mining activities

This session will stimulate debate on the need to improve mechanisms for environmental and social disclosure relating oil, gas and mining activity, as a way of ensuring participatory decision making, human rights and the protection of land and the environment.

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