Over 100 delegates are expected to participate in this year’s Africa Conference of the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) network from the 11th to the 13th of July 2017 in Livingstone, Zambia. At the top of the agenda will be how to make oil, gas and mineral wealth work for communities across the African continent.
Co-hosted by the Zambian and Zimbabwean PWYP coalitions, this year’s Africa Conference will provide space for PWYP campaigners from 23 African countries to exchange experiences, learn from one another and advance the extractive industry transparency agenda. This sixth edition follows those that took place in Pointe Noire (2004), Kribi (2005), Limbe (2006), Abuja (2008) and Kinshasa (2011).
The PWYP Africa Conference 2017 aims to identify strategic sub-regional priorities to inform a two-year pan-Africa PWYP strategy; build the capacity of PWYP members on issues relating to a transparent, accountable, sustainable and equitable extractive sector in Africa; and elect a new Africa Steering Committee that will provide strategic guidance and support to the PWYP Africa.
PWYP is a global network of civil society organizations united in their call for an open and accountable extractive sector so that oil, gas and mining revenues improve the lives of women, men and youth in resource-rich countries.
“This is the biggest gathering for those promoting transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors in Africa and we hope to strengthen our work through strategic discussions during this conference” said Edmond Kangamungazi, a member of the PWYP Africa Steering Committee and the conference’s organizing committee.
To be officially opened by the Zambian Permanent Secretary of Mines, Mr Chanda, the conference will explore the state of transparency and accountability agenda in Africa by looking at how to follow the money, using contract data for advocacy and how transparency and accountability activists can push for the implementation of the African Mining Vision. The conference will also focus on building capacity on issues such as protection of activists, the impact of extractives on women, monitoring of conflict minerals’, mandatory disclosures, beneficial ownership and advocacy and engagement strategies.
For more information:
Email: pwypafricaconference@gmail.com
Call or WhatsApp: Darlington on: +263 773 058 028 |Twitter: #PWYPAfricaMeets
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