
Tax avoidance schemes, offshore secrecy and government tax breaks to attract investment all divert extractive revenues. PWYP calls for tax justice so revenues from extraction can be used to boost development.

What we do

Taxes paid by oil, gas and mining companies are an important potential source of government revenue, which can be used to reduce poverty, boost development and provide basic social services such as health care and education. But tax avoidance or evasion schemes, offshore secrecy and government tax breaks to attract investment all divert potential revenues, undermining fulfilment of people’s rights to services and livelihoods.

PWYP calls for tax justice so revenues from extraction can be used to boost development, via measures such as registers of beneficial owners and companies publishing their payments to individual country governments. With our members and partners, we work to ensure that EITI reports provide detailed information on fiscal regimes and tax payments by extractive companies, so the data can be reconciled with other sources – such as alternative reports, journalist investigations and supreme audit institutions – to provide real fiscal transparency.

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