Connecting Our Members

With more than 700 members in over 50 countries, PWYP’s strength comes from our ability to coordinate action nationally and globally. We share our diverse experiences and work together across borders to maximise our collective impact.

What we do

With more than 700 members in over 50 countries, PWYP’s strength comes from our ability to coordinate action nationally and globally. We share our diverse experiences and work together across borders to maximise our collective impact.

We help members work together effectively over issues that span multiple countries – such as tax evasion or the environmental impacts of extractive projects. This is critical, as the extractive sector within most countries has a significant international dimension. By working together, we strengthen our collective impact and effectiveness to advocate for the changes we want. Our global connections help us be flexible as we navigate the politically complex and unpredictable path towards an open, responsive and accountable extractive sector.

Relevant resources and tools

Key articles

Who is working on this

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