Women suffer disproportionately from the social and environmental effects of extraction, yet are often excluded from decision making processes. They are commonly excluded from consultations, while lack of access to information or security of tenure make them vulnerable to eviction or loss of livelihoods. Seemingly distant decisions such as government tax breaks to attract investment can undermine services most used by women, such as healthcare, sanitation and water supplies.
PWYP members worldwide work to ensure women’s voices are heard, and that they benefit equally from extraction. We campaign for women’s inclusion in decision making, from community to international levels, including through the EITI process, and for women to benefit from extraction equally to men. We are dedicated to ensure a feminist vision of natural resource governance.
Along with UN Women, we launched the first ever extractive value chain toolkit, to help activists incorporate gender issues into campaigns for a more responsible extractive sector. Through capacity-building and campaigning, we support countless women activists fighting for transparency to improve the lives of their families and communities.
You'll find the members engaging on this area of work here.