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Call to application for EITI International CSO Board Representatives


Applications for the EITI Board are welcome from members of independent civil society organisations from both EITI implementing and non-implementing countries.Women are especially encouraged to apply, as are representatives from organisations working directly with communities affected by extractive industries. EITI Board Members need to be members of the EITI Association

To apply, candidates will need to submit by 23 February:

(1) Basic personal and professional information;

(2) Curriculum Vitae; and

(3) Statement of Interest clearly demonstrating how the candidate meets the criteria and how the candidate intends to use the International Board Membership strategically to advance the EITI at the global, regional and/or national level (minimum 1 page, maximum 2 pages).

To apply, go to this webpage

For more information, please send an email to csoboardselection@cbi.org.

Note: The EITI works primarily in English and French with Russian and Spanish interpretation available for Board and committee meetings when required. The CSO Board members coordinate in English and French so candidates will need to be comfortable operating in one of these languages. 

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