As world leaders meet this week at the COP26 (United Nations Climate Change Conference), it is urgent for them to take concrete action. Their decisions must ensure a just, people-centred and sustainable transition to a low carbon economy, including keeping the global temperature rise below 1.5°C to limit the most dangerous impacts of the climate crisis.
We the undersigned organisations are members of Publish What You Pay, the global movement for open and accountable extractive industries. We have strong roots and membership in the countries and communities where oil and gas drilling and mining take place. We speak from countries that have done the least to cause the climate crisis but are set to suffer the worst effects of it and face the highest risks of an unfair and mismanaged energy transition. We also speak from major historical high-carbon-emitting and wealthier countries that must act fastest and finance the energy transition.
COP26 is a pivotal moment for governments to take unprecedented action to phase out fossil fuel production in line with the scientific consensus to prevent more than 1.5ºC of warming. However, failing to put people at the centre of the required energy transition will result in it being both inadequate and unfair. Here are our messages for world leaders for COP26 and beyond:
- We must clean up mineral supply chains to deliver a just transition: A sixfold increase in the demand for transition minerals such as cobalt, lithium and copper is likely to accompany the transition to a low carbon economy. In many countries, extraction takes place at great cost to the health, environment and livelihoods of local people, and research indicates that women and girls are disproportionately harmed. Local communities see little economic benefit from extraction. Citizen participation, guarantees of indigenous rights, including free, prior and informed consent, and other human rights, and strong governance safeguards must be in place to avoid further damage to communities close to extraction.
- It is time to get serious about supporting developing countries: Rich countries are set to fall short of their pledge to mobilise $100 billion per year by 2020 to support climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. For many nations this finance is desperately needed to assist the transition to a sustainable low carbon economy. This is doubly important for economies highly dependent on fossil fuels, which will need to diversify rapidly to deliver the energy transition the world needs whilst also safeguarding livelihoods and energy access. Rich countries must step up and finance an equitable global energy transition as well as supporting policies that facilitate economic diversification, access to clean energy, technology transfer, and decent work in a decarbonised economy. Major additional international finance is also urgently needed to address loss and damage.
- Corruption and mismanagement could undermine a just energy transition: Just as corruption has undermined many countries’ ability to see significant long-term benefit from their natural resources, it now threatens to derail a just transition to a low carbon economy. Powerful actors will seek to pursue their own self-interest at the cost of effective global climate action. This risk is exacerbated by attacks and restrictions on civic space, limiting citizens’ participation in the governance of their country’s natural resources. More transparency, particularly of payments and contractual terms, is needed to accelerate the shift away from fossil fuels, develop sustainable supply chains for transition minerals, and ensure that companies and governments shoulder fair shares of the costs of the energy transition. Transparency must also be accompanied by a safe and enabling environment for citizens and civil society to hold governments and companies to account.
The climate crisis is by far the major crisis of our lifetime. It is already causing devastating loss and damage to people, affecting the most basic human rights of impacted communities, such as the right to life, food, water, health and housing. While none will escape the impacts of this crisis, low-income people (and particularly indigenous peoples, other minorities, women, girls and young people) – those who have done least to cause these impacts – suffer the most. The energy transition must not compound the harms and inequality arising from the climate crisis. Publish What You Pay alongside other civil society groups are committed to demand long-term accountability from governments, companies and intergovernmental bodies for a genuinely just, equitable and well-managed energy transition.
For more information read Publish What You Pay’s positions on the energy transition.
To add your PWYP member organisation’s name to the list of signatories, please take 1 minute to fill in this form.
List of PWYP member organisations which have signed the statement :
Organisation’s name | Country |
“To Health life” Ecological Public Union | Azerbaijan |
3 CM | Mauritanie | América Latina | Brazil |
Aboh Youth and Community Initiative | Nigeria |
Abraham’s Children Foundation | Nigeria |
Action Mines Guinée | Guinée |
Action pour la Justice Environnementale | Sénégal |
Action pour le développement communautaire | Guinée |
ActionAid Australia | Australia |
Adalchi Youth Movement Association Hotoro (AYMAH), Kano | Nigeria |
ADAPE GUINEE 15 membres | Guinea Conakry |
Africa Institute for Energy Governance | Uganda |
Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice | Nigeria |
African Centre for Human Advancement and Resource Support (CHARS-Africa) | Nigeria |
Africans Rising | Senegal |
Agir pour GArantir la Gouvernance Economique et Social(AGAGES MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS) | Cameroun |
Aide, Assistance et Développement Communautaire De Côte d’Ivoire (ADC-CI) | Côte d’Ivoire |
Akad Cultural Institute | Iraq |
Akar Foundation | Indonesia |
Albanian Center for Development and Integration | Albania |
Alhayat of development organization | Iraq-Basrah |
Anchalik Surakshya Committee | India |
APVM Sahel | Sénégal |
ARTICLE 19 Afrique de l’Ouest | SENEGAL |
ASPRODDEL / Kédougou | Sénégal |
Assistance Mission for Africs | South Sudan |
Association Action de Partenaires pour l’Appui au Développement -APAD | Tchad |
Association Africaine de défense des Droits de l’Homme( ASADHO) | République Démocratique du Congo |
Association bassin minier développement investissement | Tunisie |
Association des Consommateurs du Mali (ASCOMA) | Mali |
Association Guinéenne pour la Transparence | Guinée |
Association IZARA – Pool des consultants formateurs | Madagascar |
Association Malagasy Mandroso sy Salama no Tarigetra MMST | Madagascar |
Association Maliennne des Droits de l’Homme (AMDH) | Mali |
Association pour le developpement durable et la protection de l’environnement en Guinée | Guinée |
Association REBAREBA | Madagascar |
Association Tunisienne de Droit du Développement | Tunisie |
Azerbaijan Coalition of NGOs “Increasing Transparency in the Extractive Industries”, “Democratic Development and Economic Cooperation” Public Union | Azerbaijan |
Baloos Foundation | Timor-Leste |
Bauchi Community Oriented Development Initiative | Nigeria |
BAYAY SIBUYANON | Philippines |
Brainforest | Gabon |
CADES-CI (Centre d’Actions pour le Développement Social) | Côte d’Ivoire |
CAFAGB Cellule Associative des Femmes Actives pour la Gouvernance Les Droits Humains et le Bien-être | Cameroun | | Cameroun |
CAFO | Mali |
CAJUST – Citoyens Actifs pour la Justice Sociale | Senegal |
Care for the elderly intelectuals PU | Azerbaijan |
CartoCrítica. Investigación, mapas y datos para la sociedad civil. | México |
CECIDE | Guinée |
Center for Peace Education and Community Development | Nigeria |
Center For Public Interest Law | Ghana |
Center For Rural Emancipation Economic & Social Development ( CREESOD ) | NIgeria |
Centre Afrika Obota Togo | Togo |
Centre d’Appui au Développement des Initiatives Communautaire (CADIC/GUINEE) | Guinée |
Centre d’Excellence du Droit de l’environnement-CEDE | Guinée |
Centre for citizens Rights | Nigeria |
Centre for Development and Democratization of Institutions | Albania |
Centre for Transparency and Freedom of Infotmation | Albania |
Centre Guineen de Formation et d’Education pour le Développement (CEGUIFED) | Guinée Amadou |
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental A.C. | México |
Christian Foundation for Social Justice and Equity (CFSJE) | Nigeria |
Citoyens Actifs pour la Justice Sociale (CAJUST) | Sénégal |
Civil expertise | Kazakhstan |
Clean Tech Hub | Nigeria |
CNT | Niger |
Coalition des Alternatives Africaines Dettes et Développement (CAD-Mali) | Mali |
Coligação Publicar o Que Você Paga | Guiné-Bissau |
Community Empowerment and Development Organization (CEDO) | South Sudan |
Community Outreach for Development and Welfare Advocacy (CODWA) | Nigeria |
Concerned Advocates Saving Terrestrial & Marine Ecosystems (COASTLINE), Inc. | Philippines |
Concerned Citizens of Abra for Good Government, Inc. | Philippines |
CooperAcción | Perú |
Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas CONGCOOP | Guatemala |
Core Group Transparency /PWYP-TL | Timor-Leste |
CRADESC- Centre de Recherche et d’Action sur les Droits Économiques Sociaux et Culturels | Senegal |
Crudo Transparente | Colombia |
Dandalin Matasa Initiative for Rapid Development | Nigeria |
Democracy Monitor Public Union | Azerbaijan |
Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | Perú |
Development Education Community Project | Zambia |
Diaries of the Ocean | Lebanon |
DiXi Group | Ukraine | | Sénégal |
Dynamaique Mondiale des Jeunes (DMJ) | Cameroun |
Echo of Science Organization for Training and Community Development | Iraq |
Eco World public union | Azerbaijan |
Economic Justice Network of FOCCISA | South Africa |
EcoPals Waste Solutions Services Ltd | Nigeria |
Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility | United Kingdom |
ENERGY News Africa LTD | Ghana |
Engenera, A.C | México |
Entrepreneurship Development Foundation | Azerbaijan |
Entrepreneurship Initiative for African Youth (EIFAY Africa) | Nigeria |
FAFAFI Manantantely | MADAGASCAR |
Femme et Environnement “BG” | République Centrafricaine |
Finance consulting Ikhtusch LLC | Mongolia Ylaanbaatar |
FITRA East Java | Indonesia |
Fondation pour le Développement au Sahel | Mali |
Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran Jawa Timur (FITRA JATIM) | Indonesia |
Foundation for Environmental Rights Advocacy and Development FENRAD Nigeria | Nigeria |
Fundación Jubileo | Bolivia |
Fundacion Terram | Chile |
Gender Justice for Development Organization | Nigeria |
GeRAK Aceh | Indonesia |
Global Organization For Youth Enlightenment For Development And Development | Nigeria |
Green Awards Ghana | Ghana |
Green Network – Magway | Myanmar |
GREEN SCENERY | Sierra Leone |
Groupe de recherche et d’action pour le développement minier responsable | Sénégal |
Groupe de Recherche et de Plaidoyer sur les Industries Extractives (GRPIE) | Côte d’Ivoire |
Guinea media children association | Guinea Conakry |
Hannah Youth organisation | Iraq |
Haw Organization for Education | Iraq |
Himayadar Humanitarian Progress Public Union | Azerbaijan |
Human and Environmental Development Agenda | Nigeria |
Human Development Center “Tree of Life” | Kyrgyz Republic |
Human Rights, Justice and Peace Foundation | Nigeria |
IMPACT | Canada |
Indonesian Parliamentary Center | Indonesia |
Initiative Africaine pour le Développement Intégré au Sahel (IADIS) | Bamako/Mali |
Initiative for Youth (In-Youth) | Côte d’Ivoire |
Institut Panos Afrique de l’ouest | Sénégal |
Institute for Development of Freedom of Information | Georgia |
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) | Indonesia |
Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE) | Brasil |
International Business and Economic Development Center | Georgia |
IPAO | Sénégal |
Jamaa Resource Initiatives | Kenya |
Kdadalak Sulimutuk Institute | Timor-Leste |
Khovdiin toli NGO | Г.Төрмөнх |
KMF/CNOE – Education des citoyens | MADAGASCAR |
Le réseau des organisations pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgétaire ROTAB-Niger | Niger |
Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative | Lebanon |
Legs-Africa | Senegal |
Lepmil Sulawesi Tenggara | Indonesia |
Liberty | Kazakhstan |
Lock the Gate | Australia |
LPAD Riau | Riau province |
Lumière Synergie pour le Développement | Sénégal |
Masyarakat Transparansi Aceh – MaTA | Indonesia, Propinsi Aceh |
Member EITY | Kyrgyzstan |
Mesa Ciudadana de Cambio Climático | Chile |
Métissage | Niger |
Michael Adedotun Oke Foundation | Nigeria |
Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue | Philippines |
Mineral Inheritors Rights Association | India |
Mining Shared Value (Engineers Without Borders Canada) | Canada |
MiningWatch Canada | Canada |
Miracle Helping Hand Foundation | Zimbabwe |
Motherhen Development Foundation | Nigeria |
Naryn Municipal Resource Centre | Kyrgyzstan |
Nash Vek | Kyrgyzstan |
Neighbourhood Environment Watch Foundation | Nigeria |
News Ghana | Ghana |
News Guide Africa | Ghana |
NGO Agency for Development and Cooperation | Ukraine |
NGO Consortium on EITI promotion in Kyrgyzstantan | Kyrgyzstan |
NGO NEW Energy | Ukraine |
Nigeria Environmental society | Nigeria |
NRGI | United States |
Oil Workers’ Rights Protection Organization Public Union | Azerbaijan |
ONG “CD” au coeur du developpement | Togo |
ONG 3D | Sénégal |
ONG ACOMB | Togo |
Onshor association | Tunisie |
Open Arms Initiative for Sustainable Development | Nigeria |
Organisation Tchadienne Anti-Corruption (OTAC) | Tchad |
Oxfam America | United States |
OXFAM au Sénégal | SENEGAL |
Oxfam México | México |
Pacific Network | Germany |
Penplusbytes | Ghana |
People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) | Vietnam |
Plateforme de la Societe civile pour la Bonne Gouvrnance-MIRANGA Madagascaf | Madagascar |
Plateforme des Société Civile de la SAVA (PSC-SAVA) | Madagascar |
Plateforme Tenures foncière, forestière, genre et changement climatique (TENFOREST-BF) | Burkina Faso |
Policy Alert | Nigeria |
Poltava branch of Public Service of Ukraine | Ukraine |
Project ABC Initiative | Nigeria |
PU “Zanoni Shark” | Tajikistan |
Public Administration New Initiative NGO | Mongolia |
Public Association “Echo” | Kazakhstan |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Côte d’Ivoire | Côte d’Ivoire |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Guinée | Republique de Guinée |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Mali | Mali |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Mauritanie | Mauritanie |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Sénégal | Sénégal |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez TOGO | Togo |
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez-Mali | Mali |
Publish What You Pay – US | United States |
Publish What You Pay Australia | Australia |
Publish What You Pay Indonesia | Indonesia |
Publish What You Pay Liberia | Liberia |
Publish What You Pay Madagascar | Madagascar |
Publish What You Pay Malawi | Malawi |
Publish What You Pay NIGERIA | NIGERIA |
Publish What You Pay Uganda | Uganda |
Publish What You Pay UK | United Kingdom |
Publish What You Pay Zambia | Lusaka, Zambia |
Reciclemos A.C. | México |
RECON Phil.Inc | Philippines |
Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (RPDH) | République du Congo |
Reseau de Lutte Contre la Faim (RELUFA) | Cameroun |
Réseau des Chefs Traditionnels d’Afrique pour la conservation de la biodiversité (ReCTrad | Cameroun |
Réseau des journalistes sur les questions minières du Mali | Mali |
Réseau des Médias sur Internet en Guinée REMIGUI | Guinée |
Réseau Malien des Journalistes pour la Lutte contre la Corruption et la Pauvrete RMJLCP | Mali |
Reseau pour le Developpement Local et l’Autopromotion de la Femme,de l’Enfant et de la Famille (RDL/AFEF) | Mali |
Responsible Citizenship and Human Development Initiative | Nigeria |
Riau Community Leaders Communication Forum | Riau – Indonesia |
Rights Advocates Initiative (RAI) | Nigeria |
Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) | UK |
ROLBG | Gabon/Libreville |
ROTAB | Niger |
ROTAB PCQVP Niger | Niger |
Rural Initiative for Change (RIC) | Nigeria |
SECO-ONG/Mali | Mali |
Sectoral Transparency Alliance on Natural Resource Governance in Cebu (STANCe) | Philippines |
SILDAP Southeastern Mindanao, Inc. | Philippines |
SJ Around the Bay | Australia |
Small scale women farmers organization in Nigeria SWOFON | NIGERIA |
Social Strategic Researches and Analytical Investigations Public Union | Azerbaijan |
Social Survey Timor-Leste (SSTL) | Timor-Leste |
Solidariedade Mocambique | Moçambique |
Spaces for Change | Nigeria |
Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN) | United Kingdom |
Steps Without borders NGO | Mongolia |
Support for Economic Initiatives NGO | Azerbaijan |
Support Initiative for Sustainable Development (SISDEV) | Nigeria |
TAFOMIHAAVO | Madagascar |
Tawi-Tawi Alliance of Civil Society Organizations | Philippines |
Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural College | Philippines |
Tax Research UK | United Kingdom |
Tenures foncière,forestière, genre et changement climatique (TENFOREST) | Burkina Faso |
The Andrew Lees Trust | United Kingdom |
The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR) | United Kingdom |
The Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative | Lebanon |
The ONE Campaign | United States |
Ther Development Center | Iraq |
Transparence et Democratie | Tunisie |
Transparencia por Colombia | Colombia |
Transparency and Economic Development Initiative | Nigeria |
Transparency Coalition for extractive industries (TCEI) | Yemen |
Transparency International | Global |
Transparency International Accountable Mining Programme | Global |
Transparency International Indonesia | Indonesia |
Transparency International Initiative Madagascar | Madagascar |
Transparent Governance PU | Azerbaijan |
Tunisie Écologie | Tunisie |
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania | Australia |
Universal Health and Economic Empowerment Foundation | Nigeria |
University of San Carlos – Department of Political Science | Philippines |
UP Politikons | Philippines |
Voice and Accountability platform | Nigeria |
Wacam | Ghana |
Women Youths and Children Advancement Program | Nigeria |
Women’s Organisation for Dev and Empowerment of Communities (WODECO) | Nigeria |
YASMIB Sulawesi | Indonesia |
Youth Advocate for Health and Empowerment Initiative | Nigeria |
Youth Empowerment & Human Development Initiative YEHDI | Nigeria |
Донецька обласна Г О Народний контроль | Украина |
ОО “ФОАТ” | Кыргызстан, энергетические платежи |
ОО Комитет по общественному контролю за исполнением государственных программ на местном уровне | Казахстан |
ОФ Кожой-Серек | Кыргызстан |
ОЮЛА “Альянс “За прозрачный бюджет” | Кыргызская Республика |
المنظمة الوطنية للشفافية | اليمن |
جمعية الرافدين لحقوق الانسان في العراق | جمهورية العراق / النجف الاشرف |
مركز الامل للشفافية وقضايا العمل | اليمن |