Join our webinar series!
On 25 January 2021, the Gender Justice and Extractive Industries Working Group is launching a webinar series over two weeks, exploring different policy areas related to women’s rights, the extractive industries, and gender issues. Topics include the gendered impact of oil pipelines in Peru and East Africa, how to use extractives data to advance women’s rights, the participation of women in extractive governance, and more! Webinars will be in English, French and Spanish – please see below for more details.
This series draws its inspiration from the feminist natural resource governance agenda developed by civil society in October 2020, and that received over 100 endorsements. The agenda outlines 18 policy imperatives to pursue in order to implement feminist natural resource governance. The policy asks span the gamut of issues linked to women’s rights and extractives – from FPIC to tax justice – and seek to involve all actors involved in the extraction of oil, gas and minerals.
Join us during our webinar series as we explore how to develop an intersectional and transformative feminist natural resource governance agenda that centres the leadership and lived realities of women and frontline communities.
You can read and endorse the statement in English, French and Spanish by 5 February 2021.
- 25 January: Opening Webinar – Feminist Natural Resource Governance: Heralding a Just Transition
- 26 January: What extractives data do we need to advance women’s rights in the context of natural resource extraction?
- 28 January: Pan-African Feminist perspectives on Illicit Financial Flows
- 2 February: Women Following the Money: Extractive industry accountability in Zambia and the Dominican Republic
- 3 February: The State of Gendered Extractive Governance
- 4 February: Living with oil and its toxicity: resisting the gendered impacts of oil pipelines from the Amazon to East Africa
Find out more about each webinar and how to register by clicking on the titles below.
Feminist Natural Resource Governance: Heralding a Just Transition
Extractives data and women's rights
Illicit Financial Flows
Women Following the Money
Gendered Extractive Governance
Gendered impacts of oil pipelines
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Urgent statement on civic space in Iraq, Kazakhstan, Honduras and other countries