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People’s Mining Indaba to examine Africa Mining Vision


Press Release by the Economic Justice Network, member of PWYP South Africa

Cape Town, February 2017: Over 400 activists who are members of civil society, faith-based organisations, mining-affected and impacted community members, academics and other stakeholders seeking justice in mining and the extractives industry will gather at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Cape Town from 6 – 9 February 2017 under the banner of the 8th Alternative Mining Indaba, with the theme “Making Natural Resources Work For The People: Domestication of the African Mining Vision, from Vision to Reality.

Over three days, panel discussions, training sessions and robust debates will culminate in a Declaration spelling out demands addressed to governments and mining companies, as well a march to the Africa Mining Indaba at Cape Town International Conference Centre (CTICC).

The 8th AMI will be shaped around the pillars of the Africa Mining Vision and examining how it can influence better natural resource governance on the continent and how its domestication can benefit the communities most affected by mining and extractives.

Read the full statement here

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