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What are our key priorities at the EITI Conference in Paris?


Next week thousands of civil society members, and companies’ and governments’ representatives, will gather in Paris for the EITI Conference 2019. Citizen participation and civic space will be high on the agenda for PWYP.

PWYP will call for greater women’s participation and inclusion, strong implementation of the new EITI requirement on contract transparency and a stronger response by the EITI to the restrictions on civic space.

Read our key points on gender issues in this brief and on civic space in this brief.

Find the agenda for the conference here: http://paris2019.eiti.org/.

Relevant sessions

Tuesday 18 June

Opening Plenary: Open data, build trust – Extractives governance in a changing world: Tuesday 18 June – 09:40 AM  11:00 AM
PWYP Executive Director Elisa Peter will be one of five high-level speakers and she will speak on behalf of the wider global PWYP movement. Get in touch with her if you would like her to emphasize a particular issue during that session.

Civil society at the forefront of sustainable governance of natural resources – 02:15 PM  03:45 PM
This session, facilitated by Elisa Peter with PWYP members from Congo and from the Philippines, will discuss the central role of civil society in promoting and advancing transparency and accountability in the extractive industries, using data and participating in decision-making.

Wednesday 19 June

Open Contracts 2021: Ensuring a good deal – 11:30 am to 1:00 PM – Plenary Room
The 2019 EITI Standard that will be launched at the conference will require implementing countries to publish the contracts and licenses that set the terms for the exploitation of oil, gas and minerals from 2021 onwards. These changes will be discussed during this executive session on contract transparency, moderated by Isabel Munilla, Oxfam America and PWYP Global Council.

Pressing for progress on gender equality and diversity in natural resource governance – 11:30 AM  01:00 PM
This session will highlight the importance of reflecting gender and inclusion in EITI implementation and discuss the opportunities offered by changes to the EITI Standard to address gender and diversity in implementing countries. Faith Nwadishi, PWYP Nigeria, PWYP Africa Steering Committee and EITI CSO Board member will participate in this session.


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