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Regional Fairshare on Gender Equality in the Extractive Industries: building on good practices


Between 13 and 15 October 2015 a regional event on Gender Equality in the Extractive Industries was organised at the United Nations, Headquarters, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya.

The Conference was aimed at promoting the inclusion of women in the extractives industry, to include extraction of oil, gas and minerals; open discussion on various ways in which women can tap into the opportunities created by the sector; and generally identify business opportunities for women in and around the EI Sector.

The targeted beneficiaries of this event were:

  • Women working in the EI at various levels, from technical persons to those working at Board level
  • Women working along the whole EI value chain from procurement to beneficiation
  • Women working in medium-scale, small-scale and artisanal mining
  • Women affected by the impacts of the EI; and
  • Supporting partners which included Publish What You Pay
  • From the participants, it can be noticed that whilst the women working in the extractive industries are not a homogenous group, they range from those operating as large business entities to those that are operating at a micro level where mining is just a livelihood activity which enables them to meet their very basic needs like food and shelter. However, the women impacted by mining seem to form one group as the impacts of mining, most of them negative, affect the women in almost the same way in the region.

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