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Rano Jumaeva

Our main target is to work with youth, especially with girls from remote areas and villages. We promote education among young girls. We also work with their parents to explain how important it is for women to be educated.

We faced different challenges but never gave up. It is hard to locomote between the regions and also often we simply don’t have an electricity to use projector or show documentaries. That is why we use performances to illustrate the issues and challenges that women face but also their successes. We encourage the audience to think, discuss and even to come up with alternative ending.

It was hard to understand my role in extractive industries transparency until I heard of the gender sensitive value chain (Extracting Equality) at the Publish What You Pay workshop. This gave me an idea of how we can combine work with women and extracting industries. I think we need to continue our training for young women adding an element of extraction knowledge, using value chain for women.

So far, the reality shows that most of people that live in the regions of extraction do not know how much money companies pay and how much money should return to the region. Local population doesn’t understand the implications and benefits from the mining in their region. Before the country signed up to EITI no one ever talked of transparency. Now that we have started to be involved with implementation of EITI, more information is coming and we can raise common awareness.

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