PWYP Liberia was launched in August 2006 and has focused on a wide range of issues, in particular, supporting EITI implementation and disseminating data from EITI reports. The coalition plays an important role helping to make the reports accessible to Liberia’s people and supporting local communities so they benefit from natural resources and do not suffer harmful effects from extraction. It currently campaigns to promote free, prior and informed consent of local people affected by extraction, and to increase communities’ decision-making power over how extractive projects in their locality are managed. PWYP Liberia monitors the impact of extractive projects on local communities. It also trains journalists to write more often, and more accurately, about natural resource issues. PWYP Liberia has undertaken a gender scan of the coalition and is exploring opportunities to ensure more meaningful participation of, and representation by, women in the coalition’s programmes and institutional structure, as well a greater engagement with women’s rights organisations.

PWYP Liberia currently campaigns to promote free, prior and informed consent of local people affected by extraction, and to increase communities’ decision-making power over extractive projects in their locality