La estructura de PLQP apunta a ofrecer plena transparencia y responsabilidad en nuestra gobernanza, así como excelencia en nuestra gestión. Nuestra Secretaría y el Consejo mantienen el mínimo tamaño para trabajar en el día a día de forma descentralizada. Nuestra Asamblea Global, que incorpora a todos los miembros de PLQP, se reúne cada tres años para ejercer su papel como máximo órgano de decisiones, para revisar la estrategia y las políticas y para elegir a nuestro Consejo Global. El Consejo dirige la estrategia global de PLQP, trabajando codo con codo con los directivos senior de nuestra Secretaría. En África, el continente con más coaliciones de PLQP, el Comité de Dirección de África ofrece liderazgo y orientación estratégica a las coaliciones africanas de PLQP, en consonancia con la estrategia global. Se elige cada tres años en la Conferencia de África de PLQP.
Cada tres años, en la Asamblea Global de PLQP, las y los miembros eligen a 10 representantes para que integren nuestro Consejo Global. Dicho Consejo Global propone recomendaciones generales al Consejo de PLQP y al Director/a Ejecutivo/a, garantiza los estándares de gobernanza de las coaliciones nacionales y supervisa los mecanismos de coordinación entre las distintas regiones. Rinde cuentas ante la Asamblea Global y funciona por consenso, ya que las decisiones se someten a votación solo cuando resulta necesario. Con siete escaños reservados para las subregiones, dos para organizaciones miembros con alcance global y uno para una o un miembro del Comité Directivo de África, el Consejo es verdaderamente representativo de las y los miembros de PLQP, ya que aprovecha sus diversas fortalezas para orientar nuestra campaña por una gobernanza abierta, responsable, sostenible, igualitaria y receptiva en el sector extractivo.
Aida Gamboa es politóloga y autora de diversas publicaciones, artículos académicos de opinión y trabajos de investigación. Posee conocimientos y experiencia en políticas públicas, derechos de los pueblos originarios, gobernanza, gestión medioambiental y participación con la sociedad civil y el sector privado. Ha participado en diversas iniciativas internacionales, como EITI, OGP y el proceso de negociación, firma y ratificación del Acuerdo de Escazú en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Desde 2020, Aida coordina el programa Amazonía de Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR). Cuenta con un máster en ciencias políticas y Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
La Dra. Fátima Diallo es Directora Ejecutiva del Centre for Research and Action on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CRADESC). Es abogada y antropóloga legal con quince años de experiencia como académica, consultora internacional y agente de desarrollo. Se desempeñó como Investigadora principal en la Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo y como Secretaria General Adjunta de la Red Africana de Legislación Constitucional (Sudáfrica), antes de asumir el puesto de Gerente de Infraestructura e Industrias Extractivas en Natural Justice para la región francófona de África.
Es Vicepresidenta y miembro del Comité de las Naciones Unidas para la Protección de los Derechos de Todos los Trabajadores Migratorios y de sus Familiares. Fátima cuenta con un doctorado de la Universidad de Leiden (Países Bajos) y es graduada de la Universidad Gaston Berger (Senegal).
Fuad Hasanov es un defensor de los derechos humanos especializado en actividades de incidencia, asesoramiento jurídico y formación en derechos civiles y políticos, legislación sobre igualdad, participación cívica y fortalecimiento de la confianza. Posee una vasta experiencia en el trabajo con organizaciones y fondos internacionales orientados a proyectos de promoción de la democracia, los derechos humanos, la igualdad de género, el empoderamiento de la mujer, las iniciativas de transparencia y la resolución de conflictos. En la oficina de UNDP en Baku, trabajó como asesor jefe para el apoyo potenciado de la sociedad civil, la promoción de la igualdad de género en el marco legal y el empoderamiento socioeconómico de la mujer en zonas remotas de Azerbaiyán. Hasanov es presidente de Managing Board of Democracy Monitor, que trabaja en actividades de democratización, derechos humanos, transparencia, transformación de conflictos y consolidación de la paz con una amplia participación de jóvenes y mujeres.
Fuad Hasanov cuenta con un máster en ciencias políticas de la Universidad Estatal de Baku, en Azerbaiyán, y recibió una beca del John Smith Trust en 2008 en democracia, justicia social, servicios públicos y buena gobernanza.
Georges MPAGA es un activista de la sociedad civil en Gabón. Entre 1994 y 2000, participó en labores humanitarias, especialmente en el sector de la salud (en la lucha contra el VIH y la promoción de la salud reproductiva para adolescentes y jóvenes). En 2007, creó la coalición gabonesa de PLQP con otros activistas de la sociedad civil, donde se desempeñó como Coordinador Adjunto. Más tarde, llegó a ser Asesor Estratégico de PLQP Gabón en el comité directivo, un puesto que sigue ocupando en la actualidad. En 2021, se unió al grupo representado de la sociedad civil en el grupo multipartícipe EITI Gabón. Georges participa también en diversos grupos de la sociedad civil que buscan fomentar la transparencia, la lucha contra la corrupción y la buena gobernanza, como Transparency International, SHERPA, SURVIE, Secours Catholique, Global Witness, VUKA, UNODC, etc.
Maria Lya Ramos es Directora Asociada de Oxfam, donde codirige el Programa Global de Industrias Extractivas de esa agencia. Ofrece liderazgo estratégico en acciones de incidencia relativas al petróleo, el gas y la minería con el fin de promover una mayor transparencia y rendición de cuentas en el sector, así como el respeto por los derechos humanos de las comunidades afectadas. Actualmente, apoya las actividades en unos treinta países, principalmente en el sur, oeste y este de África. Anteriormente, trabajó en Angola con la Open Society Iniciative of Southern Africa (OSISA), donde se ocupaba de los asuntos de transparencia y rendición de cuentas del sector petrolero. Además, redactó el informe Operaciones de la Industria Petrolera de Angola. Anteriormente, fue directora de la campaña de la Red de Acción de los Bosques para exigir que Chevron rindiese cuentas por su caso heredado sobre contaminación en la selva amazónica ecuatoriana. Junto al Centro de Derecho Ambiental Internacional (CDAI), dio apoyo a las comunidades afectadas por la minería en la sierra guatemalteca, abogando por un resarcimiento tras los abusos a los derechos humanos cometidos por las corporaciones. Durante casi cinco años, trabajó como Coordinadora de Programa de Amazon Watch para el Sur de la Amazonia, dirigiendo los esfuerzos de incidencia para proteger los territorios y derechos de los pueblos originarios de la selva amazónica peruana. Fue coautora del informe Un legado de daño: Occidental Petroleum en los territorios de los pueblos originarios de la amazonia peruana. Fue Organizadora Nacional para Greenpeace, en donde daba capacitación a los estudiantes a lo largo del país en relación con las campañas corporativas sobre cambio climático. María cuenta con un Máster en Desarrollo Internacional de la Universidad George Washington. Es hispanohablante y está aprendiendo portugués.
Monday Osasah es un profesional del fortalecimiento de capacidades, además de un defensor de las buenas prácticas de gobernanza y de una sociedad abierta en Nigeria. A lo largo de sus 20 de profesión, ha recorrido diversos ámbitos tales como la fabricación, el periodismo y el sector sin fines de lucro. Cuenta con estudios en economía y un máster en administración pública de la Delta State University, aunque posee un talento natural para el periodismo. Es miembro y fellow del Institute of Management Consultant de Nigeria y del Institute of Strategic Management Nigeria (ISMN). Trabaja en el African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD) como director ejecutivo.
Nora M. Hasan es una activista social de Bagdad (Irak), excoordinadora de programas de intercambio, con más de 8 años de experiencia en el empoderamiento de la sociedad civil. Actualmente, trabaja como farmacéutica clínica en unidades de cuidados intensivos y como investigadora de gestión de recursos. Desde 2017, ha estado defendiendo una transición energética justa y ha trabajado con diversas ONG locales e internacionales para destacar la importancia de cambiar a fuentes de energía más limpias en la región de MENA.
Saswati Swetlena es una profesional del desarrollo social con 18 años de experiencia en diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil, comunidades de base y redes de la India, con un enfoque basado en los derechos. Posee una comprensión y un entendimiento adecuados de los derechos de comunidades indígenas, marginadas y vulnerables con respecto a los recursos naturales, el acceso a la justicia y la dignidad, la pobreza, el agua y el saneamiento, los medios de subsistencia, las emergencias, el género, la exclusión social, las extractivas, la gobernanza y la rendición de cuentas. Está comprometida con enfrentar los complejos retos del desarrollo social y con aportar a un mundo más justo y equitativo. En la actualidad, trabaja como coordinadora nacional de Mineral Inheritors Rights Association (MIRA), una coalición emergente de organizaciones y redes de la sociedad civil en la India que trabajan para mejorar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas de la gobernanza del sector extractivo. Posee un posgrado en trabajo social.
Observers: PWYP members may request to observe online Global Council meetings, and will be accepted as observers on verification by their regional representative and provided that the number of observers is deemed reasonable.
PWYP members who wish to observe an online meeting can apply here in advance of the meeting [two weeks before the meeting], so as to enable obtaining the Global Council’s consent ahead of the meeting. Please note that meetings are held in English and French.
Minutes & Communiqués: To find out what is talked about at Global Council meetings, download the minutes of any of the meetings here. They show how we agree policies, identify priorities, plan activities and evaluate our work to ensure that natural resource extraction improves everyone’s lives.
PWYP’s Africa Steering Committee was established to support the development of effective, well-governed national coalitions and provide strategic guidance to the movement across the continent. The committee includes four elected representatives for each African sub-region (Francophone West Africa, Anglophone West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, Central Africa), and the African civil society representatives on the EITI Board. Working with the Global Council, it oversees implementation of our strategy in Africa and ensures that members comply with PWYP standards.
Brice was a co-founder of the first PWYP coalition in Africa, and has been a member of the EITI Congo Executive Committee since 2007. He has served as Permanent Secretary of the Commission of Justice and Peace for the Catholic Church in Congo Brazzaville, focusing on oil revenue transparency. In 2008, he became Deputy Coordinator of Justice and Peace Commissions, in charge of advocacy on extractive industries. In 2012, he was appointed Coordinator of Justice and Peace for the ACERAC (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Chad) sub-region.
Christian Mounzeo is president of Meeting for Peace and Human Rights (known by its French acronym RPDH), national coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) campaign. As a former Board member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), and member of the Congo EITI multi stakeholder, over a decade, he advocates for transparency and accountability in natural resources management and try to link the impact of oil, mining and forestry exploitation on human rights development and specially on economic, social and community rights. He advocates also for more transparency and integrity in democratic processes, particularly in the election process in Congo. A champion of human rights, he played a leading role in bringing to light human rights abuses and cases of impunity, torture, etc. Working in a continued harassment context, he seeks to build alliances with policymakers nationally and internationally while strengthening Congolese civil society. Degree in Journalism at Marien Ngouaby University, He is a graduate of the Université Libre de Bruxelles where he completed a training program in conflict management and prevention, as well as the Human rights advocate program training at Columbia University in USA.
Dr Fatima Diallo is the Executive Director of the Centre for Research and Action on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CRADESC). She is a lawyer and legal anthropologist with fifteen years of experience as an academic, international consultant and development actor. She was a Senior Researcher at the University of Cape Town and Deputy Secretary General of the African Constitutional Law Network (South Africa) before taking up the position of Extractive Industries and Infrastructure Manager for Francophone Africa at Natural Justice.
She is Vice-Chair and member of the United Nations Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
Fatima holds a PhD from the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) and graduated from the University Gaston Berger (Senegal).
Fátima Mimbire, Journalist, Human Right Defender and transparency activist, with experience as researcher on the Extractive Sector, focusing on governance. Was CSO representative at Mozambique EITI MSG (2013-2017), and was coordinator of the National Extractive Industry Platform (2015-2017). Now is coordinating the SWF Project (Strengthen CSO and Parliamentary engagement in the establishment of a SWF for Mozambique) leaded by CCIE/PWYP Mozambique and Nweti.
James is an anti-corruption advocate and is a 2013 Anglophone West Africa Youth Integrity Ambassador. He coordinates the Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition, the biggest conglomeration of CSOs working in the anti-corruption space advocating for a more transparent, open and accountable government in Liberia. He is also the National Secretary-General of the Federation of Liberian Youth-FLY. Over the last decade, James has developed and successfully supervised, implemented and managed many youth focused anti-corruption projects and programs across Liberia. James is a candidate for a Masters Degree in Public Administration at the Cuttington University Graduate School. He holds a postgraduate certificate in human rights & drug policy from the University of Ghana, School of Law, and is an Alumni of the US Department of State Community Solutions Program. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Public administration from the University of Liberia and was part of the 2019 Accountability Incubator Program implemented by Accountability Lab.
To find out what is talked about at Africa Steering Committee meetings, download the minutes of any of the meetings here. They show how we agree policies, identify priorities, plan activities and evaluate our work to ensure that natural resource extraction improves everyone’s lives.
The PWYP Secretariat harnesses the ideas, energy and diverse experiences of our 700-plus members worldwide and channels them into a global perspective, ensuring campaigns at national, regional and international levels are aligned and mutually reinforcing. Through knowledge and information sharing, hosting communication platforms, and capacity building the Secretariat coordinates and assists members’ collective action. It also supports individual national coalitions in their strategy, governance and workplan delivery. The PWYP Secretariat’s Operational Plan 2020-2022 defines how its work will support the implementation of the strategy Vision 2025.
Annabel is based in Valencia, Spain. A strong communicator and storyteller, she brings a wealth of experience executing powerful network-driven strategic communications and advocacy campaigns for NGOs internationally. Her last position was Social Mobilisation consultant at World Vision International, where she worked to inspire people to take action worldwide with creative messaging and engaging content. She has notably also worked for Save the Children UK, where she was coordinating supporters’ journey and content strategy, and Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK where she was coordinating a network of partner organisations and led a flagship campaign. She holds a MA degree in Human Rights Policy and Practice.
Aroa joined PWYP in July 2021. She has 12 years’ experience working with civil society on extractive industries governance, energy and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), including through research, advocacy campaigns, coalition building and project management. From 2014 to 2017 Aroa coordinated the Latin America Network on extractive Industries (RLIE), and represented Latin America on the PWYP Global Council and board. Aroa holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Psychology and a master’s degree in International Cooperation for Development from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. She also holds a Diploma on Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Perú.
Before joining PWYP in 2017, Demba worked with many PWYP Coalitions in West Africa and around the world in his role as Extractive Industries Regional Programme Officer for Oxfam in West Africa. As PWYP’s Regional Coordinator, Demba represents PWYP at the regional level, guides our West African members’ advocacy initiatives and helps develop member coalitions’ capacity. Demba also contributes to the development and implementation of strategic plans and governance mechanisms for the PWYP Secretariat.
He holds a master’s degree in International Relations and is a PhD candidate in Public Law and International Relations at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal). He speaks French, English and Spanish.
After working for four years for Revenue Watch (now called NRGI) supporting its Eurasia Regional Director, Emil joined PWYP in 2016 with extensive prior knowledge of our campaign and coalitions in the region. At Revenue Watch, he contributed to strategy and programme development, before working as a consultant to the World Bank on EITI development in Azerbaijan. Emil coordinates PWYP’s work in the Eurasia region, including strategy development and implementation, advocacy, communications and fundraising.
Ernest Ekurot joined PWYP in November 2019 as the Project Officer for East & Southern Africa. He is an experienced Finance professional with over eight years of comprehensive hands-on experience that he gained working with international non-governmental organisations. Throughout this experience, Ernest has been implementing development projects in partnership with multi-donor agencies, and has extensive experience working with partners and different stakeholders. Prior to joining PWYP included providing oversight to all financial, logistical and administrative matters, capacity building of sub grantees and implementing partners. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (Accounting) from Makerere University, Kampala and CPA Uganda certification.
Irene has over 15 years’ experience in monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) functions in governance and advocacy programmes. She has designed, developed and implemented living MEL systems that are able to: capture and demonstrate contributions to outcomes, respond to emerging contextual issues, promote stakeholder accountability, facilitate learning and adaptation; and support fundraising. Her previous roles have allowed Irene to hone in her skills in building the capacity of different stakeholders on MEL. In addition, Irene holds a Masters Degree in Demography from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. In her new role at PWYP, Irene will be supporting the PWYP team on the organisation’s learning and reflection so that PWYP delivers responsive interventions, strengthen the skills of stakeholders on MEL, and increase the team’s skills to collect and showcase results.
Jenny has more than 15 years of experience having previously worked for Moorfield’s Eye charity and Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. In these roles she covered finance, introduction of databases and helped to generate income, focusing mainly with Gift Aid while working with fundraisers. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance, and a Postgraduate in International finance and Investment.
As Strategic Communications & Campaigns Manager, Joe works with the secretariat and across our member network to conceive and execute powerful advocacy campaigns driven by strategic communications. Joe brings experience in delivering strategic communications, network-driven campaigns and corporate accountability. Prior to joining PWYP in 2020, Joe led communications at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre for six years. He holds an LLM in International Human Rights Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights.
Como Coordinador Senior de Políticas, Luc convoca y apoya a las y los miembros de PLQP a desarrollar posiciones políticas conjuntas y responder a oportunidades de incidencia . Luc es abogado y se ha especializado en la lucha contra la corrupción, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas. Antes de trabajar en PLQP, pasó varios años en la República Democrática del Congo trabajando en la gobernanza de la industria minera. Después, trabajó como consultor con una amplia gama de clientes, entre ellos el Centro Carter, donde elaboró una guía anti las Demandas Estratégicas contra la Participación Pública (SLAPPs) para organizaciones congoleñas, así como la consultora contable mundial PricewaterhouseCoopers, donde evaluó y diseñó las políticas anticorrupción de los donantes. Luc también ha desempeñado un papel importante en la campaña electoral de la Unión Europea en Francia.
Naila is responsible for supporting the Executive Director, Senior Management Team, and PWYP’s legally constituted bodies, as well as providing administrative assistance to the wider secretariat team. As a group coordinator and grassroots campaigner, Naila has extensive experience in supporting and managing operations working with socio-environmental groups on climate and social justice, refugees rights and democracy reforms.
As Operations Manager, Nyree oversees all aspects of PWYP’s operational support department. This involves ensuring that PWYP’s staff and key stakeholders across multiple countries are provided with the physical, logistical, and administrative support necessary for effective achievement of the organisation’s objectives.
Nyree is a results driven and dedicated operations professional within the global not-for-profit sector. She is passionate about operational excellence, creating high-performing and energised teams capable of working collaboratively across functions and geographies to achieve success.
Prior to joining PWYP, Nyree was Head of People, Systems and Culture at the Resource Alliance. As Head of People, Systems & Culture, Nyree was a key member of the senior management team and responsible for developing and driving the implementation of new systems and processes as well as the people and culture strategy across the organisation.
A former field officer for the International Committee of the Red Cross, Pierre was Programme Manager at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Beirut before joining PWYP in 2018. He oversaw activities with civil society partners covering issues such as youth participation, sustainable development, electoral reform, the environment, oil and gas governance, and small arms control. As Regional Coordinator for MENA, Pierre links and supports members in Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen and the wider region. Pierre holds BA and MA degrees in International Relations and Diplomacy from Notre Dame University in Lebanon, where he also works part-time as an instructor in the faculty of Law and Political Science. His PhD at the Lebanese University in Beirut analysed Lebanon’s oil and gas sector. He speaks English, Arabic and French.
Rami joined PWYP in June 2021 . He is a chartered accountant with over 10 years’ experience in the charity and international development sector. As well as finance, he has experience in roles covering operations, project management, governance, and risk management. Past employers include BBC Media Action, where he spent time delivering projects in Tunisia & Lebanon, and the Equal Rights Trust, where as Head of Operations he oversaw significant improvements to the Trust’s financial and operational management systems. Before joining PWYP he was CFO at Child’s i Foundation, a Ugandan charity working to build a community based child protection system. Rami holds a degree in Economics from the University of Exeter.
A qualified practitioner in Prince 2 project management, Stephanie joined PWYP in 2013 bringing wide-ranging experience in operational, research and management roles. At PWYP, she has worked to support governance, communications, grant management and operational processes. As Director of Member Engagement, Stephanie is responsible for supporting PWYP’s regional coordinators in implementing our strategy at national and regional levels, as well as supporting the Executive Director in fundraising. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Sheffield.
Vanessa joined as Finance Manager with Publish What you Pay in January 2019 and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Vanessa has extensive Finance experience across charities, private and not-for-profit organisations in a range of areas including, education, legal, membership, investment management and insurance.
Her role will include ensuring that PWYP’s Finances are managed according to PWYP policies as well as managing the day-to-day financial processes. She will also provide direct support to non-financial team members and budget holders.
In her spare time Vanessa enjoys listening to podcasts, reading books, spa retreats and hosting board game activities.
Vincent Egoro is an organisational development and project management specialist who is passionate about finding ways to help civil societies achieve their mission and become sustainable. He has extensive experience in partnership building and providing capacity-strengthening interventions to NGOs and Government agencies in the areas of assessment to action planning, project cycle management, strategy development, and resource mobilization.
Before joining PWYP, he was in Caritas Nigeria as a Senior Institutional Capacity
strengthening Specialist. He is a certified facilitator for Project Dpro, Program Dpro, Meal Dpro methodologies. Vincent is experienced in facilitating workshops for both large and small groups, in-person and virtually, conference speaking, and is also skilled in coaching and mentoring.
As PWYP’s Communications Coordinator, Zoé is responsible for integrating high-impact strategic communications across PWYP’s campaigns, programmes, and movement building. She joined PWYP in July 2021 after working 10 years at the Belgian francophone section of Amnesty International (AIBF). She started there as a Campaigner and became AIBF’s Campaigns & Advocacy Manager in 2020. Zoé brings a wealth of experience and expertise in strategic communications, campaigns, advocacy and mobilisation on a wide range of human rights issues, from sexual violence to the illegal arms trade. Zoé holds a masters degree in Political Science and International Relations from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Lille and a Complementary Master in Human Rights from the Université Saint-Louis of Brussels.
The Board has legal and fiduciary responsibility for PWYP as a registered charity in the United Kingdom, overseeing organisational, financial and human resources policies and plans.
After 30 years with the Royal Dutch Shell Group, Alan retired in 2007 as the Group’s Vice President for External Affairs. A long-term supporter of revenue transparency in the extractive industries, he has written articles and testified before the US Congress on the need for openness. In addition to PWYP, Alan is a board member of Management Sciences for Health, the Natural Resource Governance Institute, the Natural Resource Charter and the Open Contracting Partnership.
Ali is the national coordinator of ROTAB-PWYP Niger. His recent work has focused on the campaign for Niger to win a fair deal in renegotiations of its uranium contract with French company AREVA. Ali was named Niger’s man of the year in 2013 and featured among Africa’s top 100 influential people. He is a founding member and vice-president of CROISADE Niger, established in 1999 and now one of the country’s leading organisations promoting human rights and democracy. Ali represents civil society on the national committee of EITI Niger. He is Director General of the Independent Press Group, Labari.
Athayde Motta is an experienced development professional and has worked in Brazil and abroad in programme development and management, and fundraising. His areas of expertise include participation, policymaking, communications, urban inequalities, racial inclusion and the organisational development of NGOs. As an academic researcher and consultant, he has worked in Brazil, East Timor, Kenya, Mexico, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States. He has interned with the Geneva-based United Nations Research Institute for Social Development and has also worked for the Ford Foundation, Afirma Communications and Research, the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses (IBASE), Oxfam GB and the Baobá Fund for Racial Equity. Since April 2017, Mr. Motta is the Executive Director of IBASE, based in Rio de Janeiro, where he coordinates the organization’s program on Extractive Industries.
Carlo is a senior international development practitioner and civil society activist, with a long history of volunteering and campaigning in CSOs. He has worked for local CSOs, international NGOs, multilateral organisations and governments in Africa, South America, South East Asia and Western Europe. His development work in Cameroon, Chad, Bolivia and other South American countries shaped his deep commitment to working with local communities to uphold their rights to access land, natural resources and sustainable livelihoods. Carlo has since worked to address issues of civil society engagement, from both policy and capacity-building perspectives. He has contributed to PWYP’s strategy development, governance and advocacy at national, regional and international levels, with determination that every global action empowers people affected by extraction. He is founding member of two local CSOs, in his native Italy and in Cameroon, and is honorary member of the board of ROTAB-PWYP Niger. Carlo studied business economics and social sciences at the University of Pisa and the Universidad de la Cordillera, La Paz, Bolivia.
With 20 years’ experience at a major law firm, much of this as partner, Susan brings deep insight into litigation strategies used by and against PWYP members. She has particular expertise in charity law through her current role as UK Executive Director of International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP), backed by knowledge of company law and charity accounting. Susan is heavily involved in ISLP’s anti-corruption work, with a strong focus on better natural resource management, greater government transparency and accountability, and support for civil society.
Saswati Swetlena es una profesional del desarrollo social con 18 años de experiencia en diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil, comunidades de base y redes de la India, con un enfoque basado en los derechos. Posee una comprensión y un entendimiento adecuados de los derechos de comunidades indígenas, marginadas y vulnerables con respecto a los recursos naturales, el acceso a la justicia y la dignidad, la pobreza, el agua y el saneamiento, los medios de subsistencia, las emergencias, el género, la exclusión social, las extractivas, la gobernanza y la rendición de cuentas. Está comprometida con enfrentar los complejos retos del desarrollo social y con aportar a un mundo más justo y equitativo. En la actualidad, trabaja como coordinadora nacional de Mineral Inheritors Rights Association (MIRA), una coalición emergente de organizaciones y redes de la sociedad civil en la India que trabajan para mejorar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas de la gobernanza del sector extractivo. Posee un posgrado en trabajo social.
Victoria Ibezim-Ohaeri has 15 years’ experience as a legal advisor, advocate and researcher into social and economic rights. She has travelled worldwide leading investigations, empowering marginalised communities, documenting human rights violations, and helping shape social and economic policy at national, regional and international levels. As a global researcher, she has participated in major international studies commissioned by organisations including UN-Habitat, COHRE, MSI Integrity, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Energia, Women Learning Partnership, University College London, Conectas and the Ford Foundation.
In 2011, she founded Spaces for Change, a Facebook group which served as a hub for critical discussion, policy dialogue and civil action by young Nigerian professionals. The group achieved a high national profile when it convened the first-ever digital conference on Nigerian oil reform, the Petroleum Industry Bill, in 2012. Previously, Victoria spent seven years at the Social and Economic Rights Action Center as a legal advisor and program manager, carrying out legal research in Nigeria, Congo, Germany and Kenya. Her work is published in a range of international journals.
To find out what is talked about at Board meetings, download the minutes of any of the meetings here. They show how we agree policies, identify priorities, plan activities and evaluate our work to ensure that natural resource extraction improves everyone’s lives.
El Manual de gobernanza de Publiquen Lo Que Pagan (PLQP) describe las funciones y responsabilidades de gobernanza de PWYP, que ha sido una entidad legal registrada en el Reino Unido desde abril de 2015 y en Bélgica desde 2022. El manual es un documento vivo y por lo tanto, se actualiza regularmente para garantizar el reflejo de las mejores prácticas en la gobernanza de coaliciones.
A world where all citizens benefit from their natural resources, today and tomorrow.
To build a global movement of civil society organisations making oil, gas and mineral governance open, accountable, sustainable, equitable and responsive to all people.